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    "Lo que buscas existe
    dentro de lo que encuentras."

    Benjamín Prado dixit.

    "Con los recuerdos de otra memoria me sentaré tranquilamente y dejaré... que el tiempo me alcance".

    Daniel Melero

    ...y de fondo: Day Is Done - Nick Drake

    When the day is done
    Down to earth then sinks the sun
    Along with everything that was lost and won
    When the day is done.
    When the day is done
    Hope so much your race will be all run
    Then you find you jumped the gun
    Have to go back where you began
    When the day is done.

    When the night is cold
    Some get by but some get old
    Just to show life's not made of gold
    When the night is cold.

    When the bird has flown
    Got no-one to call your own
    Got no place to call your home
    When the bird has flown.

    When the game's been fought
    You speed the ball across the court
    Lost much sooner than you would have thought
    Now the game's been fought.

    When the party's through
    Seems so very sad for you
    Didn't do the things you meant to do
    Now there's no time to start anew
    Now the party's through.

    When the day is done
    Down to earth then sinks the sun
    Along with everything that was lost and won
    When the day is done.

    Sobre Nick Drake

    2003-05-27 | categoría: textos ajenos | enlace | 1 comentarios


    Referencias (TrackBacks)

    URL de trackback de esta historia http://xdreus.blogalia.com//trackbacks/8409


    De: el paseante Fecha: 2003-05-28 20:20

    Hola Xavi, veo que el buen criterio sigue reinando en esta bitácora. Por cierto, ¿cuál es tu disco preferido de Nick?

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    Xavier Alfons Benavent
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